December 29, 2007

Breaking News on the Republican Candidates

Posted in '08 Primaries, Fred Thompson, Giuliani, Huckabee, John McCain, Republican Nominees, Republican Presidential Race, Romney, Ron Paul tagged , , , , , , , , , at 12:05 am by ducadoonpolitics

Huckabee links Bhutto assassination to Immigration

Huckabee told reporters in Pella Iowa

“we need to understand that violence and terror is significant when it happens in Pakistan. It’s more significant if it could happen in our own cities, and it happens if people can slip across our border and we have no control over it. That’s exactly how it can affect us.”

Romney launches new ad attacking Huckabee

Mitt Romney has a new ad out criticizing Huckabee’s leadership credentials and promoting his own.

Fred Thompson hits Dems on Bhutto reaction

Thompson warned other candidates against calling for Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf to step down, saying a more deliberate approach is needed. (more…)

Ron Paul touts “prolife” credentials in new tv ad

Ron Paul showcases his leadership credentials in a new TV ad airing in Iowa and NH. (more…)

Giuliani leaves Florida; returns to Iowa

Before leaving Florida, Giuliani stressed the importance of police and law enforcement officers in thwarting terrorism. (more…)

Minnesota Gov. to stump for McCain in NH

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty plans to introduce McCain at townhall meetings in New Hampshire this weekend. (more…)

December 27, 2007

Playing the Immigration Game

Posted in '08 Primaries, Fred Thompson, Giuliani, Politics, Republican Nominees, Republican Party, Republican Presidential Race, Romney, Ron Paul tagged , , , , , , , at 4:05 pm by ducadoonpolitics

Getting tired of reading about the Primaries and who’s leading in the latest poll? Well then pull up a chair and let’s play the immigration game.Here are the rules. Simply match the candidate on the left to the quotation on the right. That’s all there is to it. I’ll post the answers tomorrow so you can see how well you did.

If you leave a Comment with your answers, I’ll announce the commenter with the best score when I give you the answers.

Who Said What?

Candidate Quote
1 Rudy Giuliani “The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked.”
2 Mike Huckabee “My view, you have to secure the border, number one, have an employment verification system, number two, and number three, say to those that are there illegally, get in line with everybody else; you’re not going to have a special doorway, any particular advantage, by having come here illegally, to become a permanent resident.”
3 John McCain “If anybody is here illegally, they should never get to be put ahead of a line of people that are here legally. They should have to pay a penalty, because there should not be amnesty. It’s a civil wrong. Civil wrongs are compensated by paying penalties. They should pay the back taxes. And if you ultimately find a way to make them citizens, then there should be a very, very strong requirement that they speak English, read English, write English, and understand American history.”
4 Ron Paul “We shouldn’t have amnesty where we just say, “Fine, everybody’s good, we’re going to let it go.” We should have a process where people can pay the penalties, step up and accept responsibility for not being here legally.
But here’s the point. The objective is not to be punitive. The objective is to make things right. Right for us. Right for them.”
5 Mitt Romney “You know, if you have the right kind of policies, and you’re not encouraging people to come here and encouraging them to stay once they’re here, they’ll go back, many of them, of their own volition, instead of having to, you know, load up moving vans and rounding people up.”
6 Fred D. Thompson “[W]e need to have a guest worker program.our proposal is basically you can get a tamper-proof visa after your job has been proven that it cannot be filled by an American citizen. Now, what do you do with the 11 million people that are already here?[M]ake them earn citizenship because they have broken our laws My friends, thats not amnesty. Amnesty is forgiveness. Were not forgiving anything.”